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Denver East Area Plan Survey

The City Planners and Developers are still trying to push their height increase recommendations to our neighborhood.

Denver Yimby: Neighborhoods First Unite

Despite hundreds of repeatedly residents voicing their opposition to the height increase recommendations in the plan, the city still keeps presenting plans with height increase changes to the zoning included. We think they are hoping that we'll eventually run out of steam and stop responding. Afterall, we've already voiced our concerns at multiple meetings and webinars and petitions over the past year, they've heard us, why are they not listening? Most of the residents who purchased homes here, from all income-levels and walks of life, do NOT want any height increase recommendations.

We've stated again and again that the existing 3-5 stories of height zoning is PLENTY sufficient for growth. The only reason the city keeps pushing the increases on us is from pressure (and possible bribes or promises) from the developers so that they can cash-in on building 5-8 story high-rises right next to our historic homes and neighborhood.

Denver Yimby: Denver East Area Plan Survey - Fact Sheet

What can you do to help protect our neighborhood? Email Denver City Planner Elizabeth Weigle AND our representatives so your comments on are record. Here's a sample letter from

Dear ___________________, I am writing to you today to inform you that I am NOT supportive of the East Area Neighborhood Plan. The East Area Plan and the Colfax Bus Rapid Transit [BRT] will cause significant increase in traffic and congestion on our residential streets. We already have issues with the safety of our residents walking and biking. Closing an east and west lane on Colfax for the BRT will exacerbate these problems. There is no mitigation for the traffic or congestion in the East Area Plan. In fact, there is no call for protected bike lanes, additional crosswalks or other infrastructure to help residents navigate their neighborhoods.

I am against the proposed upzoning from lots that are currently zoned 3 to 5 stories to 5 to 8 stories along Colfax. There is already ample room for developers given the current zoning and available lots for redevelopment. Adding 8 story high rises and multiple 5 story buildings will compromise the character of Colfax and our neighborhoods. We want growth, but responsible growth. The East Area Plan encourages tripled density from 13th to 17th Ave. This is a drastic departure from what is currently allowed under Single Unit zoning. The city is allowing Accessory Dwelling Units in all residential neighborhoods. In addition to there being no regulation on size or scale for these units, we have issues with flood planes and the loss of character. There are no requirements for primary occupancy and only 2 city inspectors to regulate short-term rentals currently. With 3+ units/property and the understanding that the city is pursuing multi-tenant ordinances which will allow up to 12 persons in a 2400+ sf home, there can also be significant issues with parking along our already narrow streets. The East Area Plan does not mention the acquisition of any property for parks or open space and several affected areas are “park deserts.” The neighborhoods affected by the East Area Plan are hundred year old neighborhoods, many with diverse housing stock. The East Area Plan does not outline how the character of these unique neighborhoods will be preserved. With significant development in our growing city, specifically the 500 acres downtown, we feel the East Area Plan should be encouraging what is currently allowed along the Colfax corridor. The need for density seems a clear correlation to the Bus Rapid Transit and ridership. We want this process to recognize and include what the established residents would like to see for the future of our neighborhoods. Please include my comments in your file. [NAME] [Address, Denver, CO]

No, we're not for development. Read on...

For more info on how to protect our neighborhoods from developers, visit:




Yes, in my backyard! 

We support protecting open space, historic neighborhoods including our small, affordable single-family homes, and planting more native plants in our neighborhoods, parks and parkways to support our wildlife and community for a better future.


Feel free to reach out with your feedback!

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