An amazing way to help the environment and wildlife in Denver is to add native plants to your landscapes. Beautiful native plants thrive here, need way less added water than lawns and non-native landscapes, and each and every native plant makes a difference for pollinators, birds and wildife in our city.

You don't have to spend a fortune to plant native plants, either, you can even get free seeds to start a native plant garden in your yard, check it out:
FREE Native Seed Swap in Denver!
Mark your calendars for our three upcoming October 2022 Seed Swaps in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins in Colorado:
Saturday 10/15/22 10am - 1pm
Denver Native Seed Swap and Giveaway
The Table Public House 2190 S. Platte River Drive, Denver, CO, 80223
Partners: People & Pollinators Action Network and Front Range Wild Ones
Saturday 10/22/22 10am - 1pm
Colorado Springs Native Seed Share
Garden of the Gods Visitor Center
1805 N 30th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Partners: Colorado Native Plant Society, Manitou Pollinators, Manitou Seed Library and Front Range Wild Ones
Saturday 10/29/22 10am - 1pm
Fort Collins Native Seed Swap and Giveaway
Wolverine Farm Publick House
316 Willow St, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Partners: People & Pollinators Action Network, Native Plant Society of Northern Colorado, League of Women Voters Pollinator Habitat Group, Nature in the City, City of Fort Collins, Audubon of the Rockies, Wildlands Restoration and Front Range Wild Ones
Join these free Fall Native Seed Swaps in Denver, Colorado Springs and Fort Collins! This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. You do not need to provide seeds to participate in the swap!
The Wild Ones Front Range Chapter is co-hosting this event with the People and Pollinators Action Network and the Colorado Native Plant Society.

If you have access to native seeds, please put clean seeds in separate containers (a paper bag or envelope, or a glass jar; one species per container) and LABEL EACH CONTAINER with as much information as you can (the GENUS AND SPECIES, common name(s), location collected (approximate elevation) and date/year collected.
If you would like to arrange a donation of seeds ahead of the event or if you have any questions about how to collect and clean seeds, visit these Wild Ones website pages here for more info:

So stop mowing and watering unused grass lawns, and start building your own native plant paradise to enjoy with the butterflies, birds and the bees. Want to be inspired? Read this wonderful book, Nature's Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy. You will be amazed by how we can all do our part in making a huge difference. Pick it up at your local library today for a dose of hope.
Happy gardening!